The Header

This was taken at Owhiro Bay, North Island of New Zealand (near Wellington) in November 2009. Check my NZ 2009 trip (Sorry, not at Owhiro Bay but on our way to Wellington, somewhere not sure)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Greetings to my dearest visitors. May peace be upon all of you.
Welcome to my blog space. Here you will find many things about me, my work, my life, and interest. I hope no one will abuse the information that I have posted here. My intention is just for you to know and understand me better. If you would like to have me as your online friend, I would be very much grateful and honored. Just drop me an email. However I prefer a professional relationship that is based on mutual interest we might have, for example "ICT integration in schools" or "KM technologies & tools for teachers" etc. You can find my personal details in my profile. Thank you.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.  The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Walimatul Urus at Saujana@Chemperoh

Today we attended an invitation from Br Ahmad Fakhri and wife Sr Jamilah Samian of their son Ahmad Salahuddin's wedding reception.  Their have it  at Saujana@Chemperoh, Lot 6989, Kg Janda Baik Pahang, their private chalet/resort.  The slide show below are some snap-shots I took at the occasion.  They are renting out the place to anyone who need a weekend break away or family gatherings.  The have 2 chalets at the place.  A very nice beautiful place. A stream, Sg Chenperoh, passed by this place.

For further information, please contact 0122816364/0122015352 (Fakri/Jamilah) the owner.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Peanut and its dietary values.

About peanut and its dietary values.  Good for those who want to reduce their LDL and triglycerides

Peanut Arachis hypogea or "kacang tanah"

From Wikipedia
Peanuts stored in humid conditions are not infrequently affected by fungi which generate toxins called 'aflatoxins' which if enough are eaten can cause liver damage. The safest peanuts are USA peanuts, which are subject to meaningful checks and testing; the least safe are probably South East Asian and Asian peanuts. 
Whole peanuts are a very important human food. Peanuts are very high in protein ( 25 grams per 100gram serving) of good quality. They are a very good source of energy, with 50 grams of fats and 16 grams of carbohydrates per 100 gram serving. About half their fat content is monounsaturated fats, about a third are polyunsaturated, and the remaining about fifth are saturated. Of the polyunsaturates, only a passing small amount is omega - 3. Peanuts are a very good source of niacin (B3), with a healthy 112 mg/100 gram serving. They also contain vitamin E (8mg/100gms).  Nuts in general, and  peanuts in particular, are high in the bioflavonoid 'resveratrol'.  This bioflavonoid is also found in red wine and is believed to help prevent the formation of arterial plaques. Peanuts have more resveratrol than grapes.
Studies adding even small amounts of 'peanut products' to the diet have recorded a 14% reduction in the 'bad' LDL cholesterol.
Curiously - and as an aside - while both expressed peanut oil and the oil expressed from the fruit of the olive tree, olea europea, are monounsaturated fats, diets rich in olive oil are shown to reduce risk of coronary heart disease, but experimental diets very high in expressed oil (rather than the whole nut) from peanuts have caused aterial lesions in experimental monkeys. There do not appear to be any studies demonstrating a similar effect from eating the whole nut - beyond lower LDL cholesterol and reduced risk of coronary heart disease!

(Read the whole article, from The Natural Food Hub -

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Engaged Learning

Conrad and Donaldson (2011) suggested the idea of engaged learning as an approach for online learning.  They consider approaches such as active learning, social cognition, constructivism, and problem-based learning as engaged learning.  It emphasize student-focused learning within an instructor-facilitated environment.
Within the online learning environment, they proposed engaged learning as an interactive, collaborative learning process in which the teacher and student are partners in constructing knowledge and answering essential questions (page 6).
They proposed a 4 phased Engagement framework for the online learning.  The 4 phases describe the role the learner-instructor role within the learning process:
Phase 1:  Newcomer-Social Negotiator
Phase 2:  Cooperator-Structurel engineer
Phase 3:  Collaborator-Facilitator
Phase 4:  Initiator/partner - Community member/challenger
The framework will provides a means for developing appropriate activities and introducing them in sequence.  The framework includes introductory community-building exercise to build trust which help learner learn to work together.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

About online instruction/teaching (course)

Within this topic I would like to discuss some important issues that relate directly to my work at IAB as a eLearning administrator.  Here are some of the questions that I hope to answer.
  1. What (or how) is a good online teaching/instruction?  Here I refers to the instructional action done by the instructor)
  2. What are good online courses? What are their characteristics?
  3. How you best conduct online learning experiences?
  4. What do you need to do, to be a good online instructor?  (How to be one?)
  5. What is the best way to deliver an online learning experience?
  6. What are the characteristics of a good (quality) online learning experience?
  7. How to design a good quality online learning instruction?  One that can create true learning experience.
  8. What is the essential ingredient of a good online learning instruction that will create great learning experiences?
Toward finding the answers for the questions I'm currently reading two book I bought here at tha MegaMall MPH Kuala Lumpur:

Monday, 5 September 2011

Hello Educational leaders, have you been listening?

Here is an article shared to me from a friend (Puan Parimala, IAB).  It's about the importance of listening by Roshan Thiran. I hope there will some discussion on this article from you all.  I have not check the source of the article yet, but I will.

Saturday September 3, 2011
Listening Is Hard Work, Requiring Discipline And Practice
“You need to listen with your eyes as well as your ears. Hearing is natural. Listening is hard work.” Kyle Minor
A MAN named Kevin feared that his wife wasn't hearing and wanted to get her a hearing aid. So he sought the family doctor for advice. The doctor advised him, “when your wife is in the kitchen, stand a few metres behind her and ask her a question. If she doesn't respond keep moving closer until she hears you.”
That evening when his wife was in the kitchen cooking dinner and he asks, “Honey, what's for dinner?” Hearing no response, he moves closer to the kitchen and repeats, “Honey, what's for dinner?” Hearing no response from his bride, he moves into the dining room and once again asks, “Honey, what's for dinner?”
Again hearing no response, he walks to the kitchen door and asks again, “what's for dinner?” Hearing no response, the now frustrated husband walks directly behind her and says, “Honey, what's for dinner? To which she turns with a smile on her face, and speaks into his ears, “Kevin, for the FIFTH time, nasi goreng!”
Many business leaders are like Kevin. We constantly believe that our employees are not able to listen to us. And we try to hammer the message across numerous times through multiple means. But the real issue may not be them but us. Many leaders have listening issues but like Kevin, don't realise they are a problem.
If you were asked “Who taught you how to speak, read, and write?” you'd probably be able to list teachers who helped you develop those communication skills. But what if the question was: “Who taught you how to listen?”
For most people, the answer would be “no one.” That's truly ironic as listening is the part of communication we engage in the most (40% listening, 35% speaking, 16% reading, 9% writing). Yet, we typically receive the least training for it, and are least proficient at it.
In his new book, What Got You Here Won't Get You There, Marshall Goldsmith writes, “80% of our success in learning from other people is based upon how well we listen.” Listening is a skill that underlies all leadership skills. Listening is the key to relationships, decision making and problem solving. Leaders spend half of their communication time listening, yet in countless studies, poor listening is identified repeatedly as the most common deficiency amongst leaders.
So, why do we pay so little attention to listening? Firstly we take it for granted since we hear well, so we listen well too. We fail to understand that hearing is the mechanical function of receiving sounds while listening is an interpretive function translating those sounds into meaning.
Secondly, most view listening as a passive activity. Society today condemns passivity as weak, believing today's fast-paced, global world requires action-based activity. What we fail to understand is that effective listening is an active process that requires skill, discipline, and is hard work. Our obsession with action ignores the importance of listening first, much to our peril.
Goldsmith believes listening is the one skill that separates the great from the rest. Goldsmith illustrates that when we're on a date, we focus intently on what the other person says. Similarly, when talking to our boss or presenting to a client. The difference, Goldsmith says, is that great leaders maintain that level of focus and intense listening all the time. The great Peter Drucker believed listening to your staff was the most important thing that a boss could do.
The business of listening
Soon after Howard Schultz retired as CEO, Starbucks fortunes plummeted. Schultz returned to turnaround the company but found things different and he had to learn to listen. And he learned to listen even when his instinct told him differently. The company recovered and Howard Schultz urges everyone to listen more, “because you're not right all the time.”
The problem is none of us listen well. Despite the amount of time spent listening, the average person is likely to understand and retain half a conversation immediately (Atwater 1992). Within the next forty-eight hours we forget half of that again, retaining only 25% of what we originally heard within two days.
In business negotiations, listening is crucial. Former hostage negotiator George Kohlrieser believes listening resolves conflicts. Sometimes a person just needs to be listened to and acknowledged before willingly considering concessions. Furthermore, if we accurately understand the other person's view first, we can be more effective in our negotiations as Steven Covey aptly summarises, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
In business, learning how to really listen makes all the difference. When you listen well, you hear what customers really say and mean and what they are really looking to achieve. Leaders don't have all the answers but can find answers through listening (and Google!). Leaders are listeners. They listen up, down, and all around their organisation. Listening helps leaders:
1.   unearth problems and detect miscommunication and conflict;
2.   motivate employees and win loyalty. Genuine listening generates respect, rapport and trust. Employees respond better to, supervisors whom they believe are listening to them;
3.   incubate innovative solutions. By not listening to your people, you chill innovation;
4.   gather and evaluate ideas, generating solutions and results;
5.   hear what their people really think about their jobs, motives, values and personal aspirations.
This requires leaders to have a new level of humility (admitting you don't know everything) and sureness (I'm smart enough to learn). Listening brings out the best in people, creating the kind of collaboration and energy that drives winning organisations. In 2007, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were interviewed together and was asked what would be the future of computing. Bill Gates went on to prophesy the tablet as the future, and started describing the future iPad while Steve listened intently. Two years later, Steve produced the iPad, exactly as Bill described it. Steve listened and won.
It's so easy to get distracted in the world of BlackBerrys, iPads, Twitter, Google+ and 500 e-mails a day that we become overwhelmed and can't find time to listen. Our people may even feel they are reporting to a leader's Blackberry,resulting in much communication getting lost in translation.
Be a Better Listener
What can you do to be become a better listener? Firstly, we need to understand the distinction between merely hearing the words and really listening for messages. When we listen effectively, we understand what the person is thinking and feeling from their viewpoint. We stand in the other person's shoes and see through their eyes. Here are some other tips to help you in your struggle to become a better listener:
Fight the urge to interrupt a person when they speak.
1.   Keep telling yourself as you listen how “this is the most interesting thing I've ever heard!”
2.   React with facial expressions, head nods, and posture to indicate you're processing what is heard. Use eye contact and listen' to body language. Avoid being distracted. Face the speaker and nod your head, when appropriate.
3.   Wait until the person finishes speaking, then reflect, “Here's what I think you said.” Summarise. Then ask, “Did I get that right?”
4.   Impede your impulse to instantaneously answer questions. Many times people ask questions to express themselves and not to receive an answer.
Ask questions. Just as eye contact makes people feel important, asking questions makes them feel as though their opinions count. Ask questions that move the conversation forward and give more opportunity to listen. Remember, questions jump-start thoughts, and thoughts jump-start actions. As Voltaire attest, “Judge a man not by his answers, but by his questions.”
Don't respond to just the meaning of the words, look for the feelings or intent beyond the words.
Last year, I interviewed Ram Charan for the Leaderonomics Show, our flagship leadership talk show. Prior to the interview, Ram and I managed to spend some time together. He was fascinated by the Talent Accelerator offered by Leaderonomics and started to ask me questions.
For the next few minutes, he looked me in the eyes and seemed to have a genuine interest in me and what I was saying. His gaze never left me. He made me feel like the most important person in the room at the time. It is no wonder that Ram Charan is highly regarded by global CEOs as the greatest business consultant in the world today. He listens more than he speaks.
IDEO, one of the most innovative companies in the world leverages listening to ensure inspired problem-solving. At IDEO, the company's leaders seek out the creative voice of team members and encourage team members to listen to one another, resulting in a constant flow of creativity and the ability to solve some of the toughest design challenges posed.
Final Thoughts
Over the past several years, I interviewed hundreds of leaders. One key leadership trait gets repeatedly emphasised great leaders are great listeners. Leaders solicit feedback, listen to opinions, and act on that intelligence. In fact, Gen X and Gen Y employees today expect to be listened to and not just be given their daily marching orders.

In the Star Wars prequel trilogy, we see the collapse of the world order. Padm Amidala, played by Natalie Portman, provides a reason for why the Republic collapses. She declares, “this represents a failure to listen.”
Her analysis is spot on. Even though the Republic's fall can be blamed on Palpatine, yet each of his manoeuvres to become Emperor were accomplished through exploiting people's tendencies to stop listening to each other. If enough people had recognised the danger of this tendency, the demise of the Republic could have been prevented in spite of Palpatine's devious plots. Failure to listen can bring down empires.
An ancient sage once said, “We have been given two ears but one single mouth, in order that we may listen more and talk less.” So, spend twice as much time learning to listen as you do learning to talk. After all, the greatest gift you can give someone is to be an interested listener. As you go through life, you are going to have many opportunities to keep your mouth shut. Take advantage of all of them and listen instead.
Roshan Thiran is CEO of Leaderonomics, a social enterprise passionate about transforming the nation through leadership. For more information on Leaderonomics' highly acclaimed talent accelerator' leadership programmes, or login to

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Teaching maths the right way.

A video for all math teachers in our schools.  Dan Meyer showed a way teaching maths.

Discuss it. We teach maths really for examinations, as any other subject.  We prepare our students for the exam (not for their future life, solving real problems). And we are rewarded when our students excel in the tests (this is ok).  Will they be good problem solver when they are out of school?
Searching for Dan Meyer, I get  You can se his work and contribution at his personal website.

Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms | Video on

Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms | Video on

This is a video about educational change and schools system.   

Sunday, 3 July 2011

About Moodle

We at the Malaysian  Institute of Educational Leadership & Administration Aminuddin Baki, Genting Highlands have been using the Moodle LMS (Learning Management System for a while.  It has almost more than 8K user, though not all are active.  I'm planning to discuss the use of Moodle in my coming post.  

IAB Elearning Portal is the site for Moodle@IAB.  But this is a close site.  Not for guest.  You need to be invited and have a password to enter.

Moodle system is not difficult to manage.  There are a good support community for those who are using the system, at all level (teachers, system admin etc).  But, for most of institution using it, the main reason is, its free.  It is currently the most popular and widely used LMS or CMS on the web.
I'm don't have a list of topics yet of what I'm going to  discuss of this topic.  I'll post it later.  But among others, would be about the  installation (online & offline or on your computer, administering and use).  I have the intention to write a book on the use of Moodle in Malay as there is not many (none that I've read yet) in the local market.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Test from my HTC using Blogger-droid

This the blog content area.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

Monday, 25 April 2011

Guests Location

Locations of visitors to this page

Dear respected visitor,

You are all welcome to leave some notes or comments at my post.

My Public Gallery. This is my public photo gallery at Picasa. You are most welcome to have a look and leave comments.